The 2023 IPNFA Annual Meeting will be held on October 12-14 in Sofia and will bring together hundreds of experienced IPNFA instructors, practitioners, academics, researchers and industry partners from different continents.
Here you can find out more about the workshops that will take place after the official days of the conference. Expect new ones in the program soon!
15.10; 08:30-12:30 - Clinical reasoning application of PNF concept in orthopedics and neurology, 13:00-17:00 - Genu Recurvatum and Stroke: Applying Evidence; Leonardo Giacometti, Shin Seongsub; NSA link=; SEE
15.10;The single-support phase in hemi patients - why is it critically important?;Benedict Böhmer;Blocks Medical Center link=;VIEW link=
15-16.10; PNMU for spine dysfunctions; Marcel Gzhebelus; PHYSIO.BG link=, Sofia; SEE link=
15-16.10; PNMU for dysfunction in the S-section and shoulder area; Dr. Joana Zhachevska; Center for Physiotherapy Atlas / Arthromedika link=; SEE link=
15-17.10; PNMU for scoliotic deformities of the spine; Katajina Funtukidis; Scoliocenter link=; SEE link=
07-11 Feb’24, 25-20 June’24;PNF Basic Course;Sinisha Poznich;Physiognosis Training Center link=;VIEW
IPNFA (International PNF Association)
About the methodology:
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) or Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNMU) is a basic methodology for working with neurological and orthopedic patients, as well as with children, underlying the basic training of Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation specialists at Universities and Colleges. Details can be found here:
Physiognosis is the first and still the only seminar company for Physiotherapists in Bulgaria, founded at the beginning of 2015. The first trainings he started with were precisely in the field of PNF.